West Side Sampler Download Page

Note: It is assumed that the user knows how to use the Trainz file installation options for whatever version they are using. For more information on how to install basic files, please consult the Trainz Forums.

Read version instructions before downloading and installing

TRS2004, TRS2010, TRS2012


TRS 2004

Installation sequence:

Install 3rd party files first. These are in a zip file and can be extracted directly into the "world\dispatcher\downloads\ folder.

Install the custom content cdp and then the route cdp.

Navigate to the TRS2004\cache\ folder and delete the file - "world_cache_Dispatcher.chump". This will cause Trainz to read and rewrite the cache for the downloads folder.

Start Trainz. The route should start without error or missing content. I have not made any scenarios for this version of Trainz so it is up to the user to create their own.

3rd Party Files - zip file

WSLC Custom Content - cdp file

WSLC Sampler Route - cdp file

TRS 2010

Must have at least version 44088 SP3 with Content Manager (CM) 3.3

Some kuids will need updating from the DLS after installation. Use CM to identify.

Enable "Compatability Mode" for 2D trees to appear properly

Installation Sequence:

Install 3rd party files first using CM "install from file" option. Select "view in main list" and check for any errors or required updates. Yellow or Red warnings in CM can be ignored or fixed as desired by the user, this does not affect successful operation.

Install Custom Content cdp

Install Route cdp

Install optional session cdp - this requires the WSLC #12 Loco (T10 version), Swayne cars and WSLC Caboose. Obtain from Downloads page.

Check and repair missing content if required and launch Trainz.

3rd Party Files - Zip file

WSLC Custom Content - This is all my custom content for the route.

WSLC Sampler RoueT10/12 - Route cdp file for both T10 and T12.

WSLC Sampler Session 1 - Base session for both T10 and T12.


WSLC #12 Locomotive

Swayne Skeleton Car

WSLC #2 Caboose


TRS 2012

Must have version 49922 SP3 or higher

Some kuids will need updating from the DLS after installation. Use CM to identify.

Due to the fact that TRS2012 does not have compatability mode, 2D trees may appear translucent.

Installation Sequence:

Install 3rd party files first using CM "install from file" option. Select "view in main list" and check for any errors or required updates. Yellow or Red warnings in CM can be ignored or fixed as desired by the user, this does not affect successful operation.

Install Custom Content cdp

Install Route cdp

Install T12 Updates cdps - these are updated files that will create fatal errors if not updated

Install Built In Updates cdp - these TRS2010 built- in files that were not included in the TRS2012 release

Install optional session cdp - this requires the WSLC #12 Loco (T10 version), Swayne cars and WSLC Caboose. Obtain from Downloads page.

Check and repair missing content if required and launch Trainz.

3rd Party Files - Zip file

WSLC Custom Content - This is all my custom content for the route.

T12 Kuid Updates - Zip file of cdps required for TRS2012 ONLY.

WSLC Builtin Updates - CDP of previously built in files required for TRS2012 ONLY.

WSLC Sampler RoueT10/12 - Route cdp file for both T10 and T12.

WSLC Sampler Session 1 - Base session for both T10 and T12.


WSLC #12 Locomotive

Swayne Skeleton Car

WSLC #2 Caboose

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